Monday, 3 September 2012

Ben Nevis picturebook

In lieu of the absolutely and amazing little essay I am writing about my trip up Ben Nevis and how my experiences there shed light on the optimism inherent in Johnsonian pessimism... here are a few pictures of the trip.

Clad in 8 year old pair of jogging bottoms and holey Doc Martins, your intrepid explorer is as ready as possible.

In which it suddenly occurs to me there may be some walking involved.

In which we realise mountain climbing doesn't always offer stunning views. (I'm on the right).

Halfway break.

On Ben Nevis you can discover water in the air, falling from the air, rising from the ground or falling down the ground. Dryness is not an option.

Nearly there, excitement builds.

Summit. On the roof of Great Britain. Only 3 hours walk down now.

In conclusion: Don't do it.

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